• kaohsiung more world    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 多旺科技股份有限公司 MechaTronix Kaohsiu

      MechaTronix Kaohsiung Co, Ltd. is a private owned company with foreign investors, located in Kaohsiung Taiwan.As the world of electronics manufacturing becomes more and more global cost reduction is a continuous concern of our customers to stay competitive.MechaTronix focusses on the manufacturing o...

      電話:07-2382185    地址:高雄市新興區八德一路308號4樓
    2. 妝點視覺設計有限公司

      ...筆記書」,榮獲金點設計標章殊榮(視覺傳達類)2010年WORLD i 品牌產品「ICE BAG」,榮獲金點設計標章殊榮(工業設計類)2010年WORLD i 品牌產品「LOUCK BAG」,榮獲金點設計標章殊榮(工業設計類)2010年WORLD i 品牌產品「I TURN BAG」...

      電話:07-5576666    地址:高雄市左營區立文路77號13樓之1
    3. 台灣愛思唯爾有限公司

      Elsevier is the worldwide leading medical textbook/journal publisher. As the world’s leading publisher of science and health information, Elsevier serves more than 30 million scientists, students and health and information professionals worldwide.We help customers advance science and health by pro...

      電話:02-25225900    地址:台北市中山區中山北路二段96號嘉新大樓後棟4樓N412室
    4. 洋洋企業有限公司

      ...ionery, and premium and gift companies from the locals to the districts of world. We are reeling out imaginative and innovative design products regularly every different season and have a wide range of impressive and attractive in-house designs selection for your choice. OEM business is also welcome...

      電話:02-29130868    地址:新北市新店區寶橋路235巷16弄5號6樓
    5. 勇聯機械工業股份有限公司

      .... Over the years, more than one hundred orders have come from all over the world. A lot of our customers are people who were refered to us by other customers who are pleased with our products service.※公司因擴大營業項目,大舉徵才,歡迎各位加入勇聯的大家庭。

      電話:05-2370894    地址:嘉義縣太保市嘉太工業區光復路14號

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